Coventry University Archives Disposal Policy

Methods of disposal/deaccessioning

  • Offer to another organisation e.g. not covered by collections policy, duplicate material, other organisation already has records relating to the same subject/creator
  • Secure disposal (especially if records contain sensitive information and there are data protection issues)
  • Return to depositor (e.g. if not covered by collections policy, or requested back by depositor)


Coventry University Archive’s disposal policy follows guidelines produced for the heritage sector e.g. by The National Archives, the Museums Association, CILIP, and the Collections Trust. It also takes into account the relevant regulations and legislation that affect the disposal procedures.

Disposal decisions will be taken in accordance with the criteria outlined in Coventry University Archives collections policy and where possible will not be influenced by other factors such as budget constraints or a lack of physical space. The regulatory environment, ethics and standards of the university and its governing body are also considered.

Documentation of the disposal process 

The process for disposal will be rigorous and documented at every stage so that an audit trail is evident. The relevant regulations, standards and regulations that control the keeping of certain records will be followed.

Related documents

Coventry University Archives collections policy

Coventry University Archives terms of deposit